
Qemetica becomes the third player in Europe and the second in North America in precipitated silica market
Qemetica has finalised the acquisition of the precipitated silica business from PPG for 1.2 billion zlotys (approximately $310 million) in one of the largest transactions ever carried out by a Polish company on the US market. Thus, Qemetica, the largest producer of, among other things, brewed salt in Poland and the largest supplier of sodium silicate in Europe, has acquired plants in the US and the Netherlands, thereby increasing revenues by more than one billion zlotys. At the same time, the Group becomes the third player in Europe and the second in North America in the market for precipitated silica, which is necessary, among other things, in the production of modern car tyres. American markets will generate revenues equivalent to nearly 800 million zlotys, thus increasing the geographical diversification of Qemetica’s operations.

Rising Operating Costs Necessitate Price Adjustments at Qemetica Salz
Challenges from Rising Energy, Labor, and Logistics Costs Addressed with Sustainable Solutions
Rising production costs are challenging many companies, and Qemetica Salz Deutschland is no exception. As a leading manufacturer of vacuum salt in the European Union, Qemetica is committed to delivering top product quality, reliable deliveries, and sustainable production. To continue meeting these standards, a price adjustment for salt tablets will be implemented next year.

Second reading of the Decarbonisation Index of the Polish Economy: companies unprepared to reduce carbon footprint, although perceived state support is growing
In the first half of 2024, decarbonisation and environmental protection were of increasing importance in the activities of companies - this is the conclusion of the second reading of the Decarbonisation Index of the Polish Economy. The second reading of the Index shows a value of 61 points, where 50 points is neutral, above 50 is positive and below 50 is negative, and it is unchanged from the first reading for 2023. The second reading of the Index took into account responses from 111 Polish companies.

Qemetica Soda Polska invests in green energy - nearly PLN 100 million in support from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for the conversion of a coal-fired boiler to a biomass one in Inowrocław
Qemetica Soda Polska, a company belonging to the Qemetica Group, has secured funding from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for a project involving the conversion of an existing coal-fired boiler to a 100 per cent biomass-fired boiler at its Inowrocław plant. The NFOŚiGW support of nearly PLN 100 million represents the highest subsidy in Qemetika's history. The conversion of the coal-fired boiler to a biomass-fired boiler is one of the main elements of the company's strategy in the area of energy transformation and will allow the reduction of coal consumption by approximately 100,000 tonnes per year at the Inowrocław plant.

David A. Schmidt new member of the Board of Qemetica S.A.
David A. Schmidt joined the Management Board of Qemetica S.A. on the 2nd of September and will be responsible for the group's operations. The Management Board of Qemetica S.A. will operate with a three-member composition: Kamil Majczak, CEO, Marcin Puziak, CFO, and David Schmidt, COO.

Historic Acquisition by Polish Company in the US – Qemetica Enters Agreement to Acquire Silicas Products Business for USD 310 Million from American PPG
Qemetica has signed an agreement with American corporation PPG to purchase its silicas products business for near PLN 1.2 billion (USD 310 million). The Polish chemical group will acquire certain assets of PPG and an operating subsidiary of PPG, which results in the acquisition of two factories (in the US and the Netherlands) and in gaining the right to conduct manufacturing and R&D activities in two additional US locations. PPG’s silica products business manufactures and supplies precipitated silica products to major companies around the world as performance-enhancing additives. Precipitated silica is a raw material essential in the production of “green” tires, batteries, fillers, characterized by stable growth and positive outlook. The acquisition of the silica business will increase Qemetica group's revenue and EBITDA, as well as diversify the group's product range and geographical operations. This acquisition is one of the largest transactions of this type carried out by a Polish company in the US.

CIECH Group will change its name to Qemetica in June.
In June, the name of the Qemetica Group companies will change. The abbreviation Qemetica will be replaced by the new name: Qemetica. The planned change is a further consistent step in the Group's chemical transformation after the investment holding Kulczyk Investments became a strategic investor 10 years ago, as well as a direct consequence of Kulczyk Investments taking full control of the Group and completing its listing on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in March this year. At the same time, Qemetica has set strategic goals for the next 6 years which, in addition to growth in financial performance, include the implementation of ambitious ESG-related plans, including a 45 percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2029. Each of the group's seven businesses - Soda, Salt, Agro, Foams, Silicates, Packaging and Cargo - has specific business goals for 6 years.

Announcement about the submission of an application to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority for permission to withdraw CIECH S.A. shares from trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange
The Management Board of Qemetica S.A. informs that on November 24, 2023 the Company filed application to the Financial Supervision Authority for permission to withdraw Qemetica S.A. shares from trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange ("WSE"), pursuant to Article 91 Section 1 of the Act of July 29, 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading and Public Companies.
After three quarters of 2023, CIECH’s results under pressure of the global economic situation challenges. The Group’s salt business boosts revenues
After nine months of 2023, the Qemetica Group generated PLN 34 million in net profit on continuing operations, i.e. 85% less than in the same period of 2022. Adjusted EBITDA decreased by 17% - to PLN 551 million year on year. The Group is achieving the best possible financial results in the continuing difficult conditions of weakened global economic situation. Due to, among others, the growing importance of the modern evaporated salt plant in Stassfurt, Germany, the Salt business improved its revenues by almost half - to PLN 376 million (from PLN 255 million, an increase of 47% year on year). Thanks to this, the Group maintained the results of the key Soda segment (Soda and Salt businesses), which generated PLN 457 million of EBITDA compared to PLN 476 million in the same period last year. Compared to last year, the economic situation in the markets where the Qemetica Group operates remains unfavourable. However, the Group actively responds to any market challenges, focusing on generating cash flows and optimising its investment expenses. The Group’s individual businesses are reducing their fixed costs while continuing key investments to ensure their development and competitiveness as well as the implementation of the ESG Strategy goals.

CIECH and ORLEN Synthos Green Energy with an agreement regarding the analysis of the feasibility of implementing the SMR construction project
Qemetica S.A. and ORLEN Synthos Green Energy have signed an agreement regarding the verification of the feasibility of implementing a modular nuclear power plant construction project. The purpose of the agreement is to establish the principles of cooperation in verifying variables related to the development of SMR in BWRX-300 reactor technology.